Linimatic har valgt at investere i komplet ultralyd renseanlæg til rensning af støbe- og stanse-værktøjer
Med det formål at forbedre og optimere processen for vedligehold af kundernes støbe- og stanse-værktøjer, har Linimatic investeret i et komplet Anmasi Ultralyd renseanlæg. Anlægget kan benyttes til forme helt op til 450 kg.
Anlægget er allerede taget i brug og har kørt produktion i en periode. “Vi kan tydeligt se en forbedring i vores rensning af støbeværktøjer og forventer også en effektivisering af processen for klargøring af værktøjer”, udtaler Adm. direktør Jan V. Jørgensen.
We support great design
We see it as our task to create Great Design together with you. Hence we wish to optimise the design with respect to its quality, finish, durability, functionality and price. Zinc’s benefits can give you more value. We need to make use of this.
We are always ready to accommodate your desires. With a flexible, modern production setup, we have optimised the production of zinc parts of many variants, sizes and quantities. In addition, we have 24 hour production operation ready for your parts.
One of zinc’s great benefits is that the need for postprocessing is minimal. However, we can as needed postprocess it with all the current methods such as grinding, punching and CNC machining. In addition, we can perform surface treatments such as chromate plating, lacquering, chrome plating and engraving, providing you with a handsome finish.
We can save you the administration, time and money by assembling your production from other suppliers for you. For example, we would be pleased to deliver assembled parts for a finished product, including packing, customer-specific packaging, labelling, quality controls, etc.